A framework update for the whole site and the end of summer holidays.

Why is my weekend always busier than weekdays, and summer holidays always busier than regular semesters?

It has been three months since I posted a post on this site and a year since I started working on this site. A lot of npm modules have been updated and the framework (YUN) I used experienced a breaking update while I was away. I think it’s high time to update the site and the whole project. It took me an evening but I pulled that off - some of the stylings might still be a bit off but I am happy with the result now!

I also refurbished the portfolio page by segmenting the page into three subpages: game, web-based, and misc. Of course, I updated my resume too. I also updated the works page to include the new projects I have done. On the other hand, I learnt a lot this summer but none is highly conceptual, theoretial or requires a lot of memorization work; hence, I did not put anything down as technical blog.

Besids learning technical stuff, my work as a teaching assistant for this summer semester is ending soon and hopefully I will have time to write a memoir about it. It was such an experience. My projects are going well but I had to drop one of them simply because of the time constraints (The mobile game project). That was such a pity.

Anyway, I am back!